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How do I register entries into the Festival?Click the Register Tab. Log in, or create a new profile. Once you’re logged in, click on the link labelled “register” under the festival options heading on the right side. Enter the name of your Piece and its estimated time length. Piece length should be entered in seconds NOT minutes. What you type is what gets printed so please do your best to spell all names and pieces correctly. Registration is hosted and completed through Music Festival Suits. North Peace Performing Arts Festival does not own or control the registration site.
How do I create a User Profile for registration?Creating a profile can be any time and only needs to be done once. An entrant must refer to both their parents and teachers profiles to create their own profile. This means that parents must have their own profile separate from the students and that the parents and teacher profiles must be created first. Click on the Registration Tab. On the right hand side, select the categories that apply to you. Complete details about creating your user profile, including self taught students, groups, etc
How do I log on to my Profile?The same Profile ID and Password is used every year and only needs to be created once. You do not have to create a new profile every year. Upon successful login, you will see your entries. In Red lettering, you will see a Competitor Card for each entry. Please open, read and print one card for each entry. Bring this card with you to your festival sessions as it is required. Teachers, you will see a link in your profile that will give a summary of every students’ registration as well as their performance times and locations. This summary can be printed instead of printing every individual Competitor Card.
How do I pay for Festival fees?Registration Fees can only be paid using PayPal. All fees are paid in the Registration Tab. To find payment option once loged in, Click on Registration tab to find the classes you are registered in. Then click on the Payment icon. Once you click the payment icon, you will be directed to your current fees owing. Click on Pay This Invoice where you will be directed to PayPal to complete the payment.
Where can I find a list of Classes I can participate in?The North Peace Performing Arts Festival uses the Alberta Music Festival Associations Provincial Syllabus as well as a Local Addendum for classes unique to our event. You can find the Provincial Syllabus here
Can I be recommended for a Provincial Competition?Yes! Students may be recommended by the adjudicator to advance to provincial competition, so it’s important to choose your classes wisely. You may enter any combination of Provincial, and Local Addendum Classes, but only the Provincial classes are eligible for advancement to the Provincial Festival. (It's a requirement to enter a minimum of 2 Provincial classes to be eligible for provincials.)
What are Local Addendum classes?They are local classes have been created to allow for greater accessibility to our festival. Addendum classes may be REQUESTED. Requests will be considered up to the beginning of January for inclusion in the local addendum the following festival year. You can find a list of our Addendum classes on by clicking here.
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